Horoscopes: 10 – 16 December 2020


Francis Bevan has put together his horoscopes for the week 10 – 16 December 2020. This week’s celebrity birthday is Taylor Swift.

Celebrity birthday

Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift

13 December 1989

The Sun is the brightest object in the heavens and rules Taylor’s year ahead, bringing great success. She will be full of life and radiant, ready to tackle whatever comes her way. Her health and vitality will be extraordinarily strong and her stamina at its peak. Her tremendous magnetism will make her socially popular bringing loads of invitations. However, Taylor must be careful of burnout and taking her health for granted, as she is likely to be burning the candle at both ends.

ARIES 21 Mar – 20 Apr

The New Moon on 14 December is a good time to check out a new venue or to get out somewhere different with friends who can make you laugh; you need to let off steam. This is certainly not a time to stick to routine and die-hard habits.

TAURUS 21 Apr – 21 May

The New Moon on 14 December indicates that other people are going to be lucky for you, opening horizons that you had not even considered. Financially you can afford to spoil yourself and someone close. This is the ideal time for sorting out official matters.

GEMINI 22 May – 21 June

With the Sun in Sagittarius, there will be many changes, developments and adjustments to adapt to with loved ones and at work. Rivals and competitors may be busy, but you’ll be one step ahead of them! The New Moon on 14 December is the ideal time for mixing business with pleasure.

CANCER 22 June – 22 July

Your relationships with colleagues should be improving and past differences can be swept away. If you’ve been unwell, now is a good time for dealing with health professionals. The New Moon on 14 December throws a rosy glow over your ambitions and you could receive good news at work. 

LEO 23 July – 23 Aug

Time spent with your children or younger people will be fun and enlightening. You might even learn something new! The New Moon on 14 December indicates romance is well-starred. So, if you’re single, make sure you’re looking good and get out into life in a big way! 

VIRGO 24 Aug – 23 Sept

When it comes to socializing, you are going to opt for simple pleasures. The New Moon on 14 December indicates that sage advice will be forthcoming from female members of the family. Providing you listen to them, you will find that their words are full of wisdom.

LIBRA 24 Sept – 23 Oct

If you’re involved in sales work, advertising or the media, the next few weeks sees your confidence return to your work. The New Moon on 14 December is the ideal time for considering entertaining at home. You’ll certainly be pleasing your guests and making them laugh.

SCORPIO 24 Oct – 22 Nov

Loved ones who are hoping to extract some cash from you are in for a hard time this month; you are into saving and are certainly not keen to part with your hard-earned finances. The New Moon on 14 December is the ideal time for sorting out money matters.

SAGITTARIUS 23 Nov – 21 Dec

Those of you who are self-employed, freelancers or managers will find life a good deal less complicated and others far more cooperative than usual. The New Moon on 14 December is the ideal time for making changes, whether it’s a new health regime, new look or new friends.

CAPRICORN 22 Dec – 20 Jan

Secrets are likely to be revealed and it is a good idea to be as discreet as possible with anything you don’t want others to know about. The New Moon on 14 December indicates that your instincts are about to give you insights into a confusing situation.

AQUARIUS 21 Jan – 19 Feb

Freelancers should do extremely well as contacts will be in touch with opportunities they think are ideal for you. The New Moon on 14 December seems to indicate that wherever you go, people are only too happy to see you and to help you however they can.

PISCES 20 Feb – 20 Mar

Many Pisceans will be signing contracts or be provided with the chance to travel for professional matters. The New Moon on 14 December is the ideal time to look for advantageous moves at work. A good sense of timing and an enterprising spirit will help you make progress.